Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ghosts in vertigo

(left a signal there, underneath where the kids flock by. on their way to sadness, madness, perfection, i digress. which way? that way this way shake it off when nothing challenges change.
when have the words left behind ever meant a non-apocalyptic instance?
cause oh the storms'll rage, weather set aside days for muddying the mind.
got no reason to fight with the season, other than fetal anarchistic tendencies to scream REVOLT! REVOLT! revolve with the chemicals, atoms, the wind oh baby let 'em make ya spin
do you smell it? the way skeletons let the life they once set structure to subside.
two, caught in static, left ecstatic, breathless, selfless, helpless)

when it's one decision, one move on a chessboard'll decide who you haunt, what essence of being will flinch at the touch of your fingertips. all those previous mistakes lead us to this, but to what? for our bones to hold each others. for our breath to flow into the sand, merging with the sigh of god.

i tell myself it's meant to be, and on some/sun/days i really do believe. the human soul the dizzy feeling i get love

by the day, i realize each is realer than i thought.